Dal 24 al 26 Novembre 2023 - Mercato di Campagna Amica - Via di San Teodoro 74, Roma Manifestazione organizzata da Fiera Roma e Unaprol, con la collaborazione di Fondazione Evooschool e Coldiretti Lazio.
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Extended information on cookies

This Cookie Policy is an integral part of the website Privacy Policy of Fiera Roma S.r.l. which can be accessed here: Privacy Policy

1. Definitions and features of cookies

Cookies and related technologies are pieces of information that websites and apps send and read on your devices upon your first visit and are then sent back to said websites and apps on your next visit. Thanks to these technologies, websites and apps remember actions and preferences (such as, for example, login details, the selected language, font size, other display settings, etc.), so that they do not need to be entered again on your next visit.

These technologies are used to carry out IT authentications, to monitor sessions and to store information regarding the activities of users who access a service and can also contain a unique identification code that enables user browsing within the website to be tracked for statistical or advertising purposes.

In fact, there are various types of cookies which, depending on their features and functions, could remain on your device for different period of time: so-called session cookies, which are automatically deleted when you close the browser and so-called persistent cookies, which remain on your device until a pre-established time.

In line with the Applicable Legislation, your prior consent for the use of cookies is not always required. Specifically, said consent is not required for “technical cookies”, e.g. those used for the sole purpose of transporting a communication through an electronic communication network, or those strictly necessary to provide a service expressly requested by the user. In other words, cookie that are essential for a website’s operation.

However, your prior consent is required for “analytical” cookies that are not anonymised and for profiling cookies, e.g. those that provide statistical analyses on the use of a website or that create user profiles to send users advertising messages in line with the preferences they expressed whilst browsing.

2. Types of cookies used by the Website and de-selection possibility

Whilst browsing the Website, you will receive the following cookies:

a) Third-party cookies, i.e., cookies from various third-party websites or servers and, therefore, other than those of Fiera Roma S.r.l. Please note that these third parties, listed below with links to their privacy policies and opt-out mechanisms, will process your Personal Data as independent data controllers. Third-party cookies are the following

  • Google Analytics. These are cookies that enable the Website’s functioning to be analysed and improved. To disable Google Analytics cookies, you can download and install the browser add-on for the opt-out provided by Google Analytics. This add-on instructs the Google Analytics JavaScript code (ga.js, analytics.js and dc.js) to prevent the submission of information to Google Analytics. The add-on is available for the most commonly used browsers. For further information on the Google Analytics opt-out add-on, click here clicca qui.

b) Social network buttons and widgets. Social network buttons are the specific “buttons” on the website depicting social network icons (e.g., Facebook and Twitter), enabling browsing users to interact with social network platforms by clicking on them. The social network buttons used by the website are links that go to the Data Controller’s accounts on the social networks depicted. Therefore, by using these buttons, third-party cookies are installed. In any case, the links where the user can view the privacy policy relating to the management of data by the Social Networks to which the buttons link are listed below.

3. How to display and amend cookies via the browser


You can authorise, block or delete (in whole or in part) cookies via your browser’s specific functions or via additional third-party components. However, the deactivation of the Website’s technical cookie could mean that certain services or features of the Website will be unavailable or may not function properly and you may be forced to change or enter some information manually or upon each visit.

For further information on how to set preferences on the use of cookies via your browser, please read the following instructions:

For further information on the options available to limit the use of cookies, please also visit this website

Lastly, you can obtain useful information by watching the following video: